Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Blogger/Shop Owner Relations in the Age of Flickr

Blogger/Shop Owner Relations in the Age of Flickr

I recently read a post titled “The Influence of Flickr on Second Life Blogging” by Monica Querrien. I found myself agreeing with much of what she said. I’d like to add my thoughts on the topic as well. What we have in the blogging/shop owner relationship is something of a chicken and egg issue. Bloggers want to gain traffic so that they are valuable to shop owners that they want to partner with and shop owners want to get their creations in front of as many eyeballs as possible.

As a fashion blogger, I appreciate shop owners that work with me to help benefit both sides. By that I mean there are shop owners that help the blogger grow their audience and in the long run create a situation where they benefit from new sales. I really do feel that it is a bit shortsighted for a shop owner to refuse to work with bloggers based on an arbitrary number of views and likes. Much like employers in the real world that want someone with loads of experience but are unwilling to train a new hire, the model of ‘let someone else do the hard part’ hurts future relationships and results in lost opportunity for everyone. Some may say that the shop owners do not need the bloggers but I do believe if bloggers were not needed, we simply would not exist. 

Moving forward, I will continue to work to build my following doing what I love which is to photo and comment on Second Life fashion. I will also welcome partners from both sides to help all of us succeed. If you are interested, I ask you to follow me on Flickr and if you would like me to follow you, I will be happy to do so.

Credits on Photo:

[ kunst ] - Shabby frames
Zigana . bistro chair & table
O.M.E.N - Dear John - Diaries & Love Letters
.aisling. Bric-a-Brac Desk -Coffee-
O.M.E.N - Dear John - Medals of Honour


Anonymous said...

Well said, Aubrey! It's such a challenge for a new blogger to gain viewership and stand out from the crowd; having to be concerned about feed syndication, views, social media followers, etc just takes away from the joy of sharing and being creative.

Brands and bloggers would ideally be partners and have mutual trust and respect for each-other's work. Whenever I read a sponsored blog where it's clear that the writer loves the items they're blogging and has taken joy and appreciation in photographing and sharing them, it's always a lovely thing to see. :)

Unknown said...

Thank you Ever :-) I have been checking out your blog and I like what you are doing over there. Count me as one of your followers!! ^ー^

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much, Aubrey! Likewise, love all your wonderful and affordable fashion finds. Really enjoying your blog! <3