Friday, November 11, 2011

The Part Time Waiter & Sister Act Effect

Hello :-) Today my friend and I attempt to play a waiter role. Another fun way to dress up and look like one, doesn't have to be expensive. Our outfits come in complete set with accessories, platter with coffee, juice and food dispenser.

Part Time Waiter

While tending the breedable market, we are dressed this way. I even got a compliment from one of  our renters. He says we looked too cute and funny LOL. Our outfits were masterpieces of Milk Hall Fair's Attic designed by a brilliant and generous Japanese named Fair Saeed.

Part Time Waiter

Another design of Fair Saeed that amuses me is this Sister Clothing Set. You can actually feel like Sister Mary Clarence in the Sister Act movie if you try this on hehe. Not a lot could have known where this Milk Hall Fair's Attic is, as it has been closed since 2008. The place serves now as a showroom where every genius masterpieces of Fair Saeed are set 0L$ (totally Free.)

Sister Act

I'd say 5 Stars to all these great work and thank you for your generosity.
Visit Milk Hall Fair's Attic.

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