Monday, April 19, 2010

NEW! Shapes by Jeckie Hax

Each day, I get many nc's and offline messages asking me about my shape. I apologized for not stating it clearly on my credits. My shape was actually a custom shape by Jeckie Hax and recently, she had no time to update her store. But yesterday, she was able to set up 4 new shapes! including mine.

NEW! JH - Sayoko Shape
[Above Photo: Sayoko Shape by Jeckie Hax]

Sayoko is originally my customed shape. I have been using her since a few months I rezzed on SL. Whenever I do skin reviews, it's also amazing how my shape look good in any other skins. So yeah, this is originally, "the Me." LOL

NEW! JH - Venus Shape
[Above Photo: Venus Shape by Jeckie Hax]

NEW! JH - Hakky Shape
[Above Photo: Hakky Shape by Jeckie Hax]

NEW! JH - Steffi Shape
[Above Photo: Steffi Shape by Jeckie Hax]

Jeckie Hax's shapes includes Instructions, Style Notes, and Landmarks to guide you to where you can find skin, clothing and accessories to use with your new shape. These information will guide you to achieve a similar look to the one on the poster. Jeckie Hax also does custom shape. For further inquiries, you can reach her via notecard.

Visit SHAPES By Jeckie Hax

Jeckie Hax would love to thank Steffi Villota, the talented creator and owner of DeeTaleZ for the beautiful skins she has provided.

DeeTalez, Main Store

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